A Vigil Sheds Light on the Injustices of ICE


The holidays, when everyone is busy celebrating with family and loved ones, are times we don’t normally associate with protests or other ways to stand up for issues that affect people especially immigrants. But on December 23rd there was a candlelight vigil to share stories, sing and stand in solidarity with detainees and all families affected by ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement). This event was hosted by Standing Up Against Racism — WoodstockElgin in Solidarity with Black Lives Matter and Federación de Migrantes “Unidos por Veracruz”. The intent of this vigil was to shine light into the darkness of the terror and pain that detention causes individuals, their families and other community members. This event brought attention to an important issue and it showed how ICE does not rest during the holidays and neither should people who want to abolish ICE and who want to bring attention to the pain that detainees and their families suffer in the hands of ICE. These groups did just this. Their overall mission is to welcome everyone who wants to be involved, to organize, agitate and educate ourselves and our neighbors to end white supremacy, racial capitalism, systematic and institutionalized oppression in order to liberate marginalized community members in Elgin and surrounding areas to have an equitable and healthy community for all, now and for future generations.

 This candlelight vigil or “Posada” in solidarity with ICE detainees and their families were driven by the need to remind people of the immigrant community members suffering because of ICE. The vigil was held outside the ICE detention center in Woodstock.

ICE is a federal law enforcement agency under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Their stated mission is to protect the United States from the cross-border crime and illegal immigration that threaten national security and public safety. The detainees and their family pose no threat to our national security or public safety. They are people who came to this country in search of a better future for themselves and their families. Many of us, sons and daughters of immigrants can certainly relate to this.